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● Live • 5:27 PM

You are my sea, you are my sunshine The star, the moon 1M users watching live
............................ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
Hi! i’m Bridge !! i’m 15 y/o, i use she/her pronouns :D i’m bi and female ១ i speak eng/tag! i'm an aquarius, INFP
.BYI.filo, i am a minor! emoji spams, keyboard smash, i mostly tweet in tag/eng, not new to kpoptwt or stantwt, tl interactions:D! |
.DNI. rude, weird, toxic, if u hate my interests, basic dfi/dni criteria, nsfw accs |

≡ luvs ✿ * ·
.♡. tzuyu ១ rei ១ haerin ១ hanni ១ yunjin ១ jungwon ១ ryujin ១ soobin ១ winter ១ haewon ១ chuu
.૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡. twice ១ itzy ១ ive ១ le sserafim ១ aespa ១ nwjns ១ red velvet ១ enha ១ txt ១ skz ១ nmixx
Love ♡
valo, hsr, roblox, genshin, stardew, iced coffee, foods, ice cream, friends, music, ryujin

Hate ☹︎
insects, toxic ppl, loud noises